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Monday 22 September 2014

List of IEEE projects - 2014

04:11 Posted by Unknown No comments

A Bayesian-MRF Approach for PRNU-Based Image Forgery Detection
A Bit Allocation Method for Sparse Source Coding
A Flexible Approach to Finding Representative Pattern Sets
A Generative Model for Concurrent Image Retrieval and ROI Segmentation
A Group Incremental Approach to Feature Selection Applying Rough Set Technique
A High Performance Fingerprint Matching System for Large Databases Based on GPU
A Meta-Top-Down Method for Large-Scale Hierarchical Classification
A Novel Approach to Trust Management in Unattended Wireless Sensor Networks
A Phase-Based Audio Watermarking System Robust to Acoustic Path Propagation
A QoS-Oriented Distributed Routing Protocol for Hybrid Wireless Networks
A Rain Pixel Recovery Algorithm for Videos With Highly Dynamic Scenes
A Rough Hypercuboid Approach for Feature Selection in Approximation Spaces
A Scalable Bandwidth-Efficient Hybrid Adaptive Service Discovery Protocol for Vehicular Networks with Infrastructure Support
A Similarity Measure for Text Classification and Clustering
A Two-Phase Dispatch Heuristic to Schedulethe Movement of Multi-Attribute MobileSensors in a Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network
A Weighted Optimization Approach to Time-of-Flight Sensor Fusion
Achieving Maximum Throughput in Random Access Protocols with Multipacket Reception
Active Learning of Constraints for Semi-Supervised Clustering
Adaptation Regularization A General Framework for Transfer Learning
Adaptive Context Dissemination in Heterogeneous Environments
Adaptive Preprocessing for Streaming Data
Adaptive Self-Embedding Scheme With Controlled Reconstruction Performance
Adaptive Watermarking and Tree Structure Based Image Quality Estimation
An Efficient and Trust worthy Resource Sharing Platform for Collaborative Cloud Computing
An Efficient Approach for Outlier Detection with Imperfect Data Labels
An Efficient Parallel Approach for Sclera Vein Recognition
Ant based intelligent routing protocol for MANET
Approximate Shortest Distance Computing A Query-Dependent Local Landmark Scheme
Automatic Summarization of Bug Reports
BestPeer++ A Peer-to-Peer BasedLarge-Scale Data Processing Platform
Bounds on the Benefit of Network Coding for Wireless Multicast and Unicast
Building Better Search Engines by Measuring Search Quality
Building Confidential and Efficient Query Services in the Cloud with RASP Data Perturbation
Cartoon-Texture Image Decomposition Using Blockwise Low-Rank Texture Characterization
Characterness An Indicator of Text in the Wild
Classifier Ensembles with the Extended Space Forest
Clustering Tree for Implementing One-to-Many Data Linkage
Colored Coded Aperture Design by Concentration of Measure in Compressive Spectral Imaging
Compressed-Domain Video Retargeting
Context-Aware Discovery of Visual Co-Occurrence Patterns
Contrast Enhancement-Based Forensics in Digital Images
Convex-Relaxed Kernel Mapping for Image Segmentation
Cooperative Caching for Efficient Data Access in Disruption Tolerant Networks
CoRE A Context-Aware RelationExtraction Method for Relation Completion
Data Mining with Big Data
Data Stream Clustering With Affinity Propagation
Decision Trees for Mining Data Streams Based on the Gaussian Approximation
Designing an Efficient Image Encryption-then-Compression System via Prediction Error Clustering and Random Permutation
Detecting Memory Leaks Statically with Full-Sparse Value-Flow Analysis
Discovering Emerging Topics in Social Streams via Link-Anomaly Detection
Distributed Algorithms for Energy-Efficient Even Self-Deployment in Mobile Sensor Networks
Diverse Set Selection Over Dynamic Data
Dynamic Heterogeneity-Aware Resource Provisioning in the Cloud
Dynamic multi service load balancing in cloud based multimedia system
Dynamic scalability and contention prediction at public infrastructure using Internet application profiling
Effect of Image Downsampling on Steganographic Security
Effective and Efficient Clustering Methods for Correlated Probabilistic Graphs
Effective Video Retargeting With Jittery Assessment
Effects of Developer Experience on Learningand Applying Unit Test-Driven Development
Efficient Algorithm of Frequent Itemsets Mining over Uncertain Transaction Data Streams
Efficient Privacy-Preserving Authentication in Wireless Mobile Networks
Energy-Efficient Relaying via Store-Carry and Forward within the Cell
Enhanced Decoupled Active Contour Using Structural and Textural Variation Energy Functionals
Ensembles Imbalanced Classification
Exploiting Click Constraints and Multi-view Features for Image Re-ranking
Extended Subtree A New Similarity Function for Tree Structured Data
Fast and Secure Multihop Broadcast Solutions for Intervehicular Communication
Fast Nearest Neighbor Search with Keywords
fingerprint compression based on sparse representation
FMSR-DIP Enabling Data Integrity Protection in Regenerating-Coding-Based Cloud Storage
From MAP to DIST The Evolution of a Large-Scale WLAN Monitoring System
Fully Distributed Algorithms for Minimum Delay Routing Under Heavy Traffic
Functional Module Detection from Protein-Protein Interaction Networks
Gaussian Copula Multivariate Modeling for Texture Image Retrieval Using Wavelet Transforms
Gaze-Based Relevance Feedback for Realizing Region-Based Image Retrieval
Generalized Equalization Model for Image Enhancement
Generalized k-Labelsets Ensemble for Multi-Label and Cost-Sensitive Classification
GossipKit A Unified ComponentFramework for Gossip
Gradient Histogram Estimation and Preservation for Texture Enhanced Image Denoising
Gradient Magnitude Similarity Deviation A Highly Efficient Perceptual Image Quality Index
Harmonic active contours
Heigen Spectral Analysis for Billion-Scale Graphs
Identifying Features in Opinion Mining via Intrinsic and Extrinsic Domain Relevance
Images as Occlusions of Textures A Framework for Segmentation
Including the Size of Regions in Image Segmentation by Region-Based Graph
Infrequent Weighted Itemset Mining Using Frequent Pattern Growth
Insights Into Analysis Operator Learning From Patch-Based Sparse Models to Higher Order MRFs
Integrated Segmentation and Interpolation of Sparse Data
Interpreting the Public Sentiment Variations on Twitter
Keyword Query Routing
Large-Scale Synthetic Social Mobile Networks with SWIM
LBP-Based Edge-Texture Features for Object Recognition
Learning joint intensity-depth sparse representations
Learning Multi-Boosted HMMs for Lip-Password Based Speaker Verification
Linear Time Distances Between Fuzzy Sets With Applications to Pattern Matching and Classification
mCENTRIST A Multi-Channel Feature Generation Mechanism for Scene Categorization
Metamer mismatching
Minimum Latency Multiple Data MULETrajectory Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks
Mining Probabilistically Frequent Sequential Patterns in Large Uncertain Databases
Mining Weakly Labeled Web Facial Images for Search-Based Face Annotation
Modeling Geometric-Temporal Context With Directional Pyramid Co-Occurrence for Action Recognition
Motion–Related Resource Allocation in Dynamic
Multi-Dimensional Classification with Super-Classes
Multi-Illuminant Estimation With Conditional Random Fields
Multi-Label Image Categorization With Sparse Factor Representation
Multi-Objective Game Theoretic Schedulingof Bag-of-Tasks Workflows on Hybrid Clouds
Multiple Mobile Data Offloading Through Disruption Tolerant Networks
MWMOTE—Majority Weighted Minority Oversampling Technique for Imbalanced Data Set Learning
Neighborhood Supported Model Level Fuzzy Aggregation for Moving Object Segmentation
Non-Interactive Key Establishment for Bundle Security Protocol of Space DTNs
On the Relation of Random Grid and Deterministic Visual Cryptography
Online Feature Selection and Its Applications
Opportunistic Communication and Human Mobility
Optimal Multicast Capacity and DelayTradeoffs in MANETs
Optimal Probabilistic Encryption for Secure Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
Privacy-Preserving Multi-Keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data
Probabilistic Sequence Translation-Alignment Model for Time-Series Classification
Probability-Based Rendering for View Synthesis
Real-Time Misbehavior Detection in IEEE 802.11-Based Wireless Networks An Analytical Approach
Real-Time Scalable Depth Sensing With Hybrid Structured Light Illumination
Representative Discovery of Structure Cues for Weakly-Supervised Image Segmentation
Residual Component Analysis of Hyperspectral Images—Application to Joint Nonlinear Unmixing and Nonlinearity Detection
Road-Network Aware Trajectory Clustering Integrating Locality, Flow and Density
Robust Face Recognition From Multi-View Videos
Robust Online Learned Spatio-Temporal Context Model for Visual Tracking
Robust Point Matching via Vector Field Consensusn
Robust Superpixel Tracking
Rough Sets, Kernel Set, and Spatiotemporal Outlier Detection
Saliency Tree A Novel Saliency Detection Framework
Saliency-Aware Video Compression
Scalable Analytics for IaaS Cloud Availability
Secure Data Retrieval for Decentralized Disruption-Tolerant Military Networks
Self-Learning Based Image Decomposition With Applications to Single Image Denoising
Shape-Based Normalized Cuts Using Spectral Relaxation for Biomedical Segmentation
Spatial Statistics of Image Features for Performance Comparison
Spatially Aware Term Selection for Geotagging
Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search
The Role of Hubness in Clustering High-Dimensional Data
Thermal-Aware Scheduling of Batch Jobs in Geographically Distributed Data Centers
Transformation-Based Monetary Cost Optimizations for Workflows in the Cloud
Translation Invariant Directional Framelet Transform Combined With Gabor Filters for Image Denoising
Tree Filtering Efficient Structure-Preserving Smoothing With a Minimum Spanning Tree
UMSM A Traffic Reduction Method on Multi-View Video Streaming for Multiple Users
Uniform Embedding for Efficient JPEG Steganography
Variability Mining Consistent Semi-automatic Detection of Product-Line Features
Vector-Valued Image Processing by Parallel Level Sets
Weakly Supervised Multi-Graph Learning for Robust Image Reranking
web Search Engines by Measuring Search Quality


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